4 Health Indicators that can Signal Deficiencies

Did you happen to catch Sydney Lupkin’s recent ABC news article, “What Miley Cyrus’ tongue says about her health”? I was thrilled to see her discuss how tongue observation can help us keep a close eye on our overall health. While performing at the MTV Video Music Awards, Miley’s tongue showed a white coating. Sydney […]

Wellness on the Rise: 3 Holistic Practices Sweeping Modern Healthcare

For years, complementary medicine has taken heat from the allopathic medicine world. Cutting terms like “quack” and “witch doctor” have been thrown around brutally, but the stigma is finally beginning to shake off. With more data showing the benefits of holistic healthcare, more patients are turning to alternative treatments. I recently read an interesting article […]

Holistic Health at Home: Bach Flower Essences

Humans have utilized plants for healing for centuries. In fact, until the 20th century, pharmaceutical preparations originated from medicinal plants and other natural substances. Medicinal plants use the physical energy of the plant in the form of an active chemical constituent. Alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, and bitter principles are just a few of the constituents found […]

Back-to-School Holistic Heath Tips for Busy Parents

The back-to-school season is in full swing! Here at ACHS, we’re gearing up for the start of fall semester, September 16, which is one of our favorite times of year. Starting a new academic year brings with it all those memories of being a kid and heading to your new classroom with lunch and school […]

Become a Certified Aromatherapist – Help Kids with Cancer

Aromatherapy has many benefits, including the ability to help children and adults with stress and anxiety, whether in response to a specific situation, like heading back to school, or the ups and downs of life in general. Here’s a video clip from CBS NEWS featuring another great use for aromatherapy–helping kids cope with the side […]

Holistic Nutrition in History: Neanderthals Used Plants for Medicine?

An international team of scientists from the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Agriculture and Environment recently identified that Neanderthals “cooked veggies and used plants for medicine”. [1] What does this mean to us? While much of the research about Neanderthals describes them as primarily meat eaters, this new research suggests that they consumed far more […]