Nutrients and Immunity: Food as Fuel

Copyright: 123rf stock photo Putting the wrong gasoline in a vehicle is a lot like putting the wrong food in your body. Using lower octane fuel in a car that calls for premium can cause some serious internal damage to the engine long term and in the short-term can cause “spark knock”– a high-pitched pinging […]

Get Glowing with Raw Foods and Detox

Copyright: Elena Schweitzer Attending a week-long immersion class on a Caribbean Island was my first encounter with the live, raw, organic vegan food lifestyle. Each day started with an open-air yoga class by the sea followed by gathering live wheat grass, squeezing it into juice and meeting the rest of the group for a […]

Mediterranean and DASH Diets for Alzheimer’s Patients

Memories, short or long term, are too precious to forget. Yet, that is what happens with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Short-term memories may have a lifespan of only a few minutes while long-term memories get lost, or compressed in the mixed up timeline of life. Most of us know of some elderly person sitting at home […]