Roadmap to Expertise:
4 Paths In Integrative
Health Sciences

Want to make a difference in health and wellness but unsure where to begin? Our free guide features student success stories, insights into professional opportunities across various fields, and a detailed look at the structure and content of each pathway to help you find your fit.

This free guide includes:

  • Expert advice to help guide you through choosing the right holistic health pathway from a variety of diverse health modalities.

  • Inspiring student success stories showcasing the impact of ACHS education.

  • Insights into national outlooks and graduate experiences.

  • Information on program structure, including content overview and structure of each pathway.

ACHS can guide you on
your journey from
“Holistic Health-
Interested” to “Holistic

Our holistic health programs focus on holism and supporting the intricate ecosystem of the body where all components work harmoniously together. Our graduates gain the skills to navigate this ecosystem and bring holistic wellness to their communities. ACHS programs are designed to help students gain confidence in their skills through evidence-based and experiential online learning.

Download this ultimate guide to find out which pathway is right for your holistic health career goals!

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5005 S. Macadam Ave.
Portland, OR 97239

Campus and Shoppe Hours

Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PST


800-487-8839 503-244-0726

Business Hours

Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PST

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