5 Must-Know Tips about Essential Oil and Pregnancy

Essential oil safety is something everyone should be very clear on, from the aromatherapy novice to the expert. You don’t need to be an aromatherapist to practice basic safe use, but you definitely need to know where to look to find reliable, credible information. There are people in very specific age groups and conditions that […]

What You Can and Cannot Say to Aromatherapy Clients [Video]

What You Can and Cannot Say to Aromatherapy Clients [Video] As you embark on your studies, you may be wondering: what can I do with my aromatherapy education after graduation? How can I help clients achieve optimal wellness with essential oils?  

4 Holistic Recipes for Silky Smooth, Healthy Hair

It keeps us warm, protects us from the elements, and can make us feel attractive and stylish. Yes, we’re talking about hair! With all the wonderful things your locks do for you, skip the harsh commercial hair products and give them some natural TLC. Winter can give your hair a beating. It’s time to rejuvenate […]

5 Ways to Reach Out and Recharge for Winter

Winter wellness is always a hot topic for aromatherapists. How do we provide our clients with affordable, effective solutions to winter woes during one of the most challenging (not to mention priciest!) times of the year? It’s something I think about a lot, and especially as the holidays approach. I believe it’s important to give […]

Chemistry for Aromatherapists: What You Need to Know

While at first glance essential oils and aromatherapy may appear to be only about scents and mood, they’re actually part of a unique area of study in organic chemistry. Chemistry and aromatherapy have gone hand-in-hand throughout history. The quest to extract and study plant volatiles led, in part, to the progression and development of chemistry […]

30 Essential Oils to Use With Soap

In a long overdue move, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced a ban on antibacterial soaps containing potentially harmful chemicals. Echoing what holistic wellness experts have known for a while, the FDA stated that chemicals in antibacterial soaps are no more effective at killing germs and preventing illness than plain soap and water.[1]

Halloween Treat: Lollipop Recipe with Essential Oils

Halloween is a spooky time of year. And I’m not just talking about the ghosts, ghouls, and goblins roaming the streets for tricks and treats. I’m talking about the high fructose corn syrup, artificial colorings, and additives loaded in commercial Halloween candies. When you stop and look at the health effects, that stuff is scary! […]

Aromatherapy + Yoga: For Mind, Body, Spirit

By Oleg Maksimov & Lauren Shapiro Aromatherapy and yoga are both ancient healing practices focused on physical, mental, and spiritual health. They have developed in close connection for thousand years, and historically have been used in tandem to support the body, clear the mind, and lift the spirit. But you don’t have to be a […]

5 Delightful and Work-Enhancing Essential Oils for the Office

If you commute to your job, you spend a lot of time at your workplace. The average American spends about 1,600 hours per year at the office. Even though you’re thriving in a career and workplace that is fulfilling and allows you to live out your passions, there’s always room to make the office a […]

Can Essential Oils Improve Customer Experience?

Twenty years ago, aromatherapy was known only to a very limited group of people. Today, it is one of the most popular holistic health modalities. Essential oils have entered daily life. Folks use them to create non-toxic cleaners and bug sprays, experiment with them in cooking to add flavor to dishes[1], and make cosmetic products […]

21 Must-Have Natural Travel Kit Basics | ACHS

21 Must-Have Natural Travel Kit Basics For many families, warmer weather means play time! But when kids are out running around for the summer and fall, bumps and bruises are bound to occur. That’s why you need a natural first aid kit. There are many different ways to make them, but today I want to […]

10 Tips for Using Aromatherapy in Your Spa

Aromatherapy and fragrances play an integral role in a client’s overall perception of a spa’s ambiance. Here are 10 tips to help you incorporate aromatherapy into your spa to enhance your client’s experience. The essential oils mentioned in this posting are listed at the end with their Latin names.