
Technology Requirements

ACHS employs a variety of services and software to support our students’ learning journeys.

Following are the basic requirements students need at the time of enrollment and throughout their studies to be successful:

  1. A personal desktop or laptop computer, see below for specific requirements, but most devices made in the last 5 years are sufficient. Mobile devices, such as phones and iPads, can be used to access many resources within ACHS’s online classroom; however, some activities will require a computer.
  2. An active, valid email address that you maintain throughout your studies with ACHS and where you agree to receive electronic notifications in accordance with your Enrollment Agreement.
  3. A webcam and microphone (built into most laptop and many desktop computers).
  4. Reliable, ideally high-speed, internet access; ACHS online courses include videos, animations, and interactive tools.

If you don’t have these resources at home, you may be able to use your local library or make arrangements with a friend or family member. However, both of these options will require coordination, so we recommend the use of personal devices for an optimal learning experience.

The required browser for ACHS studies is the Chrome web browser.

Here are more specific requirements you will want to check:

  • The ACHS online classroom system is called Canvas. The technology requirements for operating Canvas on your computer can be found on their website.
  • You can review ACHS’s full Access Policy on our website.
  • To ensure academic integrity, ACHS requires students to take proctored final exams at appropriate intervals throughout their program. This verifies that the student who takes the exam is the same person who enrolled in the program and that the examination results will reflect the student’s own knowledge and competence in accordance with stated learning outcomes. ACHS uses an online, fully automated proctoring service. For more information about the technical requirements for proctoring, please visit “Exam Proctoring Requirements” on the ACHS website.

All incoming students complete a New Student Orientation where you will learn more about our systems and how to succeed in your studies.

Additionally, as a student, you will have a G-Suite account which includes an ACHS email account, an ACHS calendar, Google Docs, and other tools you may find helpful.

If you have any concerns about your ability to meet our technology requirements, please contact us at [email protected].