The Healing Power of Basil

Portland radio personality Mike Darcy recently interviewed me about the health benefits of basil for his show In the Garden! Basil has been prolific in Portland, Oregon, gardens this year. Hopefully you were able to harvest your basil or perhaps you’re still looking around your garden and thinking, What am I going to do with […]

DIY Herbal Teas for Health

 Herbal teas, as well as being delicious to drink, can help tone, soothe, and balance the body with regular use. But, be sure to distinguish herbal teas from black tea. Tannin or black tea is from the plant Camellia sinensis, a medicinal herb that soothes and relaxes, but if taken too frequently the body becomes […]

Imagine America Military Award Program

We are excited to announce this great opportunity for qualified students! Two types of scholarships are available through our partnership with the Imagine America Foundation.

ACHS Approved to Participate in Title IV Federal Student Aid Programs

Great news … ACHS has been approved by the US Department of Education to offer Title IV federal financial aid to qualified students in ACHS’s online Associate of Applied Science in Complementary Alternative Medicine degree program. This includes Pell Grants, the American Opportunity Credit, the Lifetime Learning Credit and eligibility for student loan deferment, which […]

Natural Garden Pest Control

Garden pests chomping on your fresh herbs, fruits, and veggies can be a real bummer. But, what can you do, right? Plenty! Good news: There are several natural products you can try to help stop pests from eating through your garden without the use of chemical pesticides.