[WEBINAR SERIES] Meeting Cancer Caregiver Needs: The Power of Aromatherapy Selfcare

November 18, 2021 @ 2 p.m. PT

Presented by Professor Amanda Lattin

In cancer care, there are two vital narratives, that of the individual undergoing cancer care and that of the family or informal caregiver. Family caregivers have a unique set of needs to support their mind, body, and emotions as they walk alongside their loved one during cancer treatment. This presentation will examine caregiver needs to be demonstrated in research, the prevalence of caregiver needs to be documented as not being met, and the impact of supporting caregivers in the big picture of cancer care. We will discuss the evidence-based role aromatherapy can play in meeting family care provider needs through aromatherapy self-care including: stress and anxiety management, sleep quality, and emotional recovery. Examples of simple and safe aromatherapy self-care protocols for caregivers will be explored.

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