ACHS and Apothecary Shoppe Re-Certified as Green America Gold Certified Businesses

A member of Green America since 2000, American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) and the Apothecary Shoppe College Store have been re-certified as Green America Gold Certified Businesses. Green America’s vision is to “work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where the bounty of the […]

What Can I Legally Do As An Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Or Other Holistic Health Practitioner?

Most holistic health modalities are currently unlicensed. However, legislation is currently in place in multiple states, including Minnesota and California, and it is important to be aware of and compliant with relevant legislation. The National Health Freedom Coalition offers a state listing that is useful. We recommend that you become aware of the organizations in […]

Natural Garden Pest Control

Garden pests chomping on your fresh herbs, fruits, and veggies can be a real bummer. But, what can you do, right? Plenty! Good news: There are several natural products you can try to help stop pests from eating through your garden without the use of chemical pesticides.

Spring Clean Your Body: A Basic Introduction to Fasting

We spring clean our house, but how often do we spring clean our body? Fasting–or abstaining from solid foods for a time–assists the body to cleanse. By eliminating food, the enormous energy required to digest food is released and put to the task of spring-cleaning the body. The liver and entire digestive system is given […]

5 Tips to Help Kick-Start Your Spring Health Goals

There is no magic pill for weight loss. The best magic for weight management is weight maintenance. That can be a hard sell over the winter. On cold days, it can be hard to convince ourselves that we would rather have a carrot than a piece of organic chocolate cake.

Cooking Light and Healthy Using Fresh Herbs

BY ACHS Holistic Nutrition Instructor Helen (Eleni) Delfakis, MS, RD Spring is a great time to begin cooking light and healthy using fresh herbs. One of my favorite herbs is basil (Ocimum basilicum), which is an annual plant cultivated in temperate climates around the world. In Greece, basil is named Basileus, Greek for ‘king’, is […]