ACHS Staff

Judith Allan, DC

Dr. Judith Allan received her Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Western States Chiropractic College. She has been the Owner and Chiropractic Physician at Oregon Natural Health Clinic since 1998. She has served as Research Clinic Director at NCNM owned, Natural Health Sciences Research clinic from 1999 – 2001 and taught Kinesiology/Biomechanics in 2003-2004.

Dr. Allan works in a holistic model that approaches each patient as a whole person with a unique and complex history. Rather than focusing exclusively on the patient’s musculoskeletal problem, Dr. Allan also concentrates on the patient’s lifestyle (diet and exercise), personal and family health history, as well as the history of the current issues.

She is a member of the Chiropractic Association of Oregon, SPBA, the Internal Review Board of NCNM, and is on the Board of Directors for Portlandia.