Erica Rhodes, ACHS Scholarship Recipient

Erica Rhodes, ACHS Scholarship Recipient

I chose the American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) for holistic health education for several reasons. ACHS is a very military-friendly college which is important to me as an active duty Soldier. I am impressed by the great electives offered in the M.S. in Complementary Alternative Medicine Program (CAM), which allows me to explore a […]

How Do Wellness Coaches Write Better?

If you follow ACHSedu on Facebook, you might have seen our recent post asking the question, “If you could change one thing within our food culture or medical culture, what would it be?” If not, it’s all good. I’m happy to fill you in. We received more than 35 comments with incredibly thoughtful answers addressing […]

Funding Your Holistic Health Education: Tips for Finding Scholarships

Here at the American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS), we’re lucky to be able to speak with prospective students all day long. They’re budding aromatherapists, herbalists, and holistic nutritionists (the list goes on!), just like some of you. And, they ask great questions, especially about how to pay for their holistic health education. (Great question, […]

Holistic Health Advocacy Starts with You — Stay Informed

Are you drawn to study or use holistic healthcare? It seems like everyone is talking about holistic or alternative healthcare these days. The U.S. healthcare system is beginning the process of looking at the impact of integrative or complementary and alternative medicine, and incorporating concepts of wellness, prevention, and natural medicine into the healthcare model.

Imagine America Military Award Program

We are excited to announce this great opportunity for qualified students! Two types of scholarships are available through our partnership with the Imagine America Foundation.

ACHS Approved to Participate in Title IV Federal Student Aid Programs

Great news … ACHS has been approved by the US Department of Education to offer Title IV federal financial aid to qualified students in ACHS’s online Associate of Applied Science in Complementary Alternative Medicine degree program. This includes Pell Grants, the American Opportunity Credit, the Lifetime Learning Credit and eligibility for student loan deferment, which […]

Spring Clean Your Body: A Basic Introduction to Fasting

We spring clean our house, but how often do we spring clean our body? Fasting–or abstaining from solid foods for a time–assists the body to cleanse. By eliminating food, the enormous energy required to digest food is released and put to the task of spring-cleaning the body. The liver and entire digestive system is given […]