Anne Altizer, CHNC, Honors
Anne Altizer, CHNC, Honors ACHS Ambassador
Phone: 973-479-0552
Email: [email protected]
I became a certified personal trainer and wanted to add more nutrition into my practice. ACHS provided me with an excellent, researched based program to really help my clients. And I practice what I preach – our family has changed our shopping and eating habits, with little to no fuss from anyone! My husband and I started our own business, mindfully integrating performance and wellness, and my holistic nutrition credential has really helped me. I have worked with individuals and corporations change their thoughts about food.
What are three things you would tell prospective students?
The course work is comprehensive, compelling, and extremely relevant for advancing your education. Professors are accessible and responsive. The on-line resources are easy to use, and very helpful.
What are your three best tips for current ACHS students?
Plan your time. There is a lot of work, but it is extremely doable, even when you work or travel, if you plan your schedule. Participate in the online forums and discussions. They are extremely helpful and informative. Get hard copies of the books as well as online versions. I refer to my books all the time because they are so helpful.