NUT 401

Nutrition and Dietary Supplements Online



This course reviews evidence-based information to support the clinical use of over 50 different natural herbs, supplements, and nutrients. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand and discuss the available nutrition and dietary supplement support in over 30 different common health conditions.


Learning Outcomes

  • Determine when to choose food or supplements

  • Understand and develop therapeutic protocols that can be used to manage or support other treatment regimes in promoting health

  • Review and discuss information on mechanism of action, indication, doses, interactions, and side effects ensure safe, effective use of common dietary supplements, such as: bilberry, calcium, echinacea, fish oils, ginkgo, iron, licorice, magnesium, phytoestrogens, quercetin, selenium, turmeric, B vitamins, witch hazel and zinc.

  • Understand and discuss the available nutrition and dietary supplement support in a number of common conditions such as: acne, breast disease, carpel tunnel syndrome, diabetes mellitus, fibromyalgia, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, menopause, osteoporosis, peptic ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis and venous disorders.

More details


Required Course Pack:

  • Online Materials and Library Resources (OMLR)


Required Textbooks:

View the required textbooks for this class, including ISBN, edition, and retail price, by visiting our Required Textbooks page

Total Course Price:

View the total course price including tuition, fees, course materials, and shipping online here.


Last updated 7/14/19

None – Prior or concurrent nutrition training is recommended

Current Instructors:

View all ACHS instructors, including bios, photos, and courses taught.

Admissions Requirements:

Minimum of a high school diploma or equivalency and recommendation for admission by the ACHS Admissions Committee.

Total Course Price:

View the total course price including tuition, fees, course materials, and shipping.

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