What Does It Cost?
We offer student aid, payment plans, scholarships, military funding, and more.
We want you to know right up front how much going to ACHS is going to cost, so you can start budgeting, applying for financial aid, or talking with your employer to see what support they may offer.
The cost of your education depends on several factors from what program you take to the electives you choose – aromatherapy classes, for example, have among the most high-value practical materials due to the cost and availability of high-quality essential oils. Opportunities like transfer of credit and opportunities to earn credit by exam may also lower your costs.
ACHS programs are designed to provide excellence in education and student services. Quality education is an investment in your future and all of our services are designed to provide you with the best education for your education dollar.
ACHS students are charged for the current semester only.
Payment Options
As an accredited institution, ACHS offers many funding options including federal financial aid to those who qualify, semester payments and monthly payment installment plans, military and employer tuition assistance benefits, and a wide range of other alternative funding options. Click here for more information or call 800-487-8839 to speak with an Admissions Advisor.
2024-2025 Tuition – Effective for courses starting July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025:
Undergraduate: $410 per semester credit
Graduate: $630 per semester credit
Doctorate (DSC courses): $696 per semester credit
Cost of Attendance
The cost of attendance used at ACHS includes estimates of students’ expenses for housing & food, books, course materials, supplies, equipment, transportation and personal expenses, along with tuition and fees to determine eligibility for financial aid each academic year. Amounts for cost of attendance components can be found in the link below.
Tuition includes:
- Expert Faculty: Learn from professionals with practical insights and industry expertise.
- Dynamic Online Content: Curricula supports diverse learning styles and latest research.
- Comprehensive Instruction: Includes live lessons and weekly professor interactions.
- Student Success Coaching: One-on-one sessions for academic goal setting and time management.
- Peer Tutoring: Personalized tutoring sessions to enhance course material understanding.
- Medical Healthcare & Health Coaching: Access to healthcare professionals and mental health support.
- Career Development Services: Personalized career counseling, job placement guidance, and workshops.
- Community Engagement Opportunities: Virtual events and networking with industry experts.
- Global Alumni Network: Lifetime access to mentorship, collaboration, and professional development.
College Affordability and Transparency Center College Scorecard:
ACHS’s College Scorecard as published by the College Affordability and Transparency Center College Scorecard is available online here.
Registration Fees:
$200 per program, payable at enrollment. Students enrolling in single courses pay a registration fee per course, based on $30 per credit, not to exceed $200 per registration.
Course Materials:
Textbooks and required materials (course packs) average $305 per 3-semester credit course (undergraduate and graduate level). Materials and Textbook prices vary widely depending on the course. Many modality courses require course packs with practical materials for lab work. For example, students are required to purchase herb samples for their learning in herbal courses and essential oils for aromatherapy courses; these supplies are included in the Course Pack when applicable and are not optional. Students are required to use ACHS lab kits to ensure safety when preparing and using formulas. Required materials include:
- ACHS Course Pack: Includes the Online Materials, Library and Resources Fee, and all practical lab kits including herb and essential oil kits
- ACHS eTextbook (when applicable)
The Total Course Price for each course, including the ISBN textbook information, is published below and under each course description. Materials fees change frequently due to fluctuating market costs for products such as essential oils and herbs. Detailed information about course materials, fees, and textbooks is available under each course description.
Online Materials, Library and Resources Fee
The Online Materials, Library and Resources (OMLR) Fee includes:
- An extensive virtual library to assist you with research, including access to:
- EBSCO Discovery Service: a service that provides access to ACHS’s library subscription databases through a single entry point. Also referred to as “Search the Library” on the Library Launchpad homepage.
- NatMed Pro Database: a database founded by clinicians and researchers to provide evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies. Within the database, students can search subject-specific databases on Food, Herbs, & Supplements; Health & Wellness; Sports Medicine; Commercial Products; Medical Conditions; among others.
- Library and Information Resources Network (LIRN): a 501©(3) nonprofit corporation, that provides access to millions of articles, eBooks, videos, and other resources within subject-specific databases.
- ProQuest Research Companion: a tool within the LIRN designed to guide students through the research and writing process. It demystifies the research writing process in nine easy-to-follow modules.
- ProQuest RefWorks: a reference management service tool within the LIRN that helps students create, store, and organize citations and references.
- ScienceDirect College Edition: Health & Life Sciences Collection: a single trusted source with a broad range of topics for programs such as environmental science, biology, nursing, and more.
- Access to your mobile-friendly, interactive online classroom including course videos, interactive tutorials and audio resources
- Ask-the-Librarian Feedback Widget
- Ask-the-Librarian Discussion Board
- LibraryHelp: ChatStaff
- ACHS Student Center enables you to interact your with peers and join study groups.
The OMLR Fee is charged per course based on the number of credits as follows: 1-credit course: $38, 2-credit course: $76, 3-credit course: $115; 4-credit course: $152.
ACHS uses both Commercial Textbooks and ACHS Textbooks (textbooks published by the institution), depending on the course. The Total Course Price for each course includes tuition, textbooks, course pack, and domestic shipping. Materials include the mandatory ACHS eTextbook when applicable; students cannot opt-out of the ACHS eTextbook and the eTextbook is not available for purchase from third-party resellers. ACHS eTextbooks consist of required reading and are sustainable, full-color interactive eTextbooks that can be viewed online, downloaded in PDF version, and fully searchable. An optional printed copy of the ACHS Textbook is available for an additional printing charge.
See each course description under Academics for an itemized description of the required Course Pack. If you already have any of these texts, please let your admissions advisor or student services know so that duplicates are not shipped to you.
Students may also elect to purchase their own publisher textbooks including opportunities to purchase used textbooks and take advantage of textbook rental services. Students buying their own textbooks must ensure they have the correct edition for the current semester.
Following are resources students are encouraged to pursue for publisher textbooks:
- Intel® Education Study (https://www.study.intel.com/): Provides eTextbook options for publisher textbooks that may include interactive features, assessments, and social sharing tools to engage students. (Available to U.S. students)
- Textbook rentals (http://www.textbookrentals.com/)
- Purchasing used textbooks available from a number of resellers. Students should be careful to ensure the quality of the used textbooks and consider that used textbooks may be written in or highlighted and may not include access codes to ancillary software required for select courses. Resellers can usually provide more information about the quality of the text upon request.
Total Course Prices (A detailed breakdown of the total course price can be found on each course description page and is included below for easy reference). All courses are 3 semester credits unless indicated otherwise.
Total Course Prices
Course Number | Tuition | Course Pack | Textbooks & Media | Shipping | Total Course Price |
AROMA 101 | $1,230.00 | $942.00 | $0.00 | $42.00 | $2,214.00 |
AROMA 203 | $1,230.00 | $858.00 | $45.00 | $42.00 | $2,175.00 |
AROMA 303 | $1,230.00 | $942.50 | $45.00 | $42.00 | $2,259.50 |
AROMA 304 | $1,230.00 | $803.50 | $0.00 | $42.00 | $2,075.50 |
AROMA 305 | $1,230.00 | $434.25 | $44.95 | $33.00 | $1,742.20 |
AROMA 501 | $1,890.00 | $899.25 | $469.95 | $43.00 | $3,302.20 |
AROMA 503 | $1,890.00 | $858.00 | $45.00 | $42.00 | $2,835.00 |
AROMA 504 | $1,890.00 | $942.50 | $0.00 | $42.00 | $2,874.50 |
AROMA 505 | $1,890.00 | $803.50 | $0.00 | $42.00 | $2,735.50 |
AROMA 507 | $1,890.00 | $434.25 | $107.90 | $35.00 | $2,467.15 |
BIO 111 | $1,230.00 | $200.00 | $213.32 | $31.00 | $1,674.32 |
BUS 101 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $199.95 | $20.00 | $1,564.95 |
BUS 304 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $195.95 | $20.00 | $1,560.95 |
BUS 390 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $199.95 | $24.00 | $1,568.95 |
BUS 510 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $74.99 | $19.00 | $2,098.99 |
BUS 512 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $312.95 | $17.00 | $2,334.95 |
BUS 514 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $347.95 | $18.00 | $2,370.95 |
BUS 516 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $375.95 | $18.00 | $2,398.95 |
BUS 518 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $200.00 | $17.00 | $2,222.00 |
BUS 520 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $200.00 | $17.00 | $2,222.00 |
BUS 522 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $77.94 | $30.00 | $2,112.94 |
BUS 531 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $200.00 | $17.00 | $2,222.00 |
BUS 533 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $200.00 | $17.00 | $2,222.00 |
BUS 535 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $200.00 | $17.00 | $2,222.00 |
BUS 598 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $200.00 | $17.00 | $2,222.00 |
CAP 501 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $75.00 | $18.00 | $2,098.00 |
CHEM 120 | $1,230.00 | $320.95 | $195.95 | $20.00 | $1,766.90 |
CHEM 501 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $319.20 | $29.00 | $2,353.20 |
DSC ALE | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
DSC FLE | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
DSC 601 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $84.95 | $21.00 | $3,041.95 |
DSC 605 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $48.00 | $19.00 | $3,003.00 |
DSC 610 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $208.94 | $28.00 | $3,172.94 |
DSC 615 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $128.99 | $28.00 | $3,092.99 |
DSC 620 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $127.99 | $19.00 | $3,082.99 |
DSC 625 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $77.99 | $21.00 | $3,034.99 |
DSC 630 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $61.00 | $22.00 | $3,019.00 |
DSC 635 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $59.00 | $21.00 | $3,016.00 |
DSC 640 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $83.00 | $21.00 | $3,040.00 |
DSC 645 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $83.00 | $21.00 | $3,040.00 |
DSC 650 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $89.95 | $21.00 | $3,046.95 |
DSC 655 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $37.99 | $19.00 | $2,992.99 |
DSC 700 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $112.93 | $21.00 | $2,815.00 |
DSC 701 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $2,936.00 |
DSC 702 | $2,784.00 | $152.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $2,936.00 |
ENG 101 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $42.45 | $23.00 | $1,410.45 |
ENG 201 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $42.45 | $23.00 | $1,410.45 |
ENV 201 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $206.65 | $20.00 | $1,571.65 |
HED 303 | $1,230.00 | $201.50 | $85.95 | $32.00 | $1,549.45 |
HED 503 | $1,890.00 | $201.50 | $139.95 | $32.00 | $2,263.45 |
HERB 101 | $1,230.00 | $452.00 | $0.00 | $31.00 | $1,713.00 |
HERB 201 | $1,230.00 | $593.95 | $59.99 | $40.00 | $1,923.94 |
HERB 302 | $1,230.00 | $539.25 | $0.00 | $34.00 | $1,803.25 |
HERB 303 | $1,230.00 | $577.00 | $0.00 | $37.00 | $1,844.00 |
HERB 304 | $1,230.00 | $614.35 | $75.99 | $35.00 | $1,955.34 |
HERB 331 | $1,230.00 | $300.75 | $77.98 | $25.00 | $1,633.73 |
HERB 502 | $1,890.00 | $437.75 | $254.94 | $37.00 | $2,619.69 |
HERB 503 | $1,890.00 | $559.50 | $61.99 | $35.00 | $2,546.49 |
HERB 504 | $1,890.00 | $530.50 | $0.00 | $36.00 | $2,456.50 |
HERB 521 | $1,890.00 | $260.25 | $98.94 | $28.00 | $2,277.19 |
HERB 531 | $1,890.00 | $304.75 | $117.98 | $33.00 | $2,345.73 |
HERB 541 | $1,890.00 | $252.75 | $208.00 | $31.00 | $2,381.75 |
HLTH 202 | $1,230.00 | $205.00 | $107.90 | $23.00 | $1,565.90 |
HLED 553 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $113.95 | $18.00 | $2,136.95 |
HLED 554 | $1,890.00 | $115.00 | $184.95 | $18.00 | $2,207.95 |
HLTH 101 | $1,230.00 | $312.25 | $45.00 | $30.00 | $1,617.25 |
HLTH 201 | $1,230.00 | $160.00 | $159.95 | $22.00 | $1,571.95 |
HLTH 410 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $142.95 | $18.00 | $1,505.95 |
HLTH 416 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $111.95 | $19.00 | $1,475.95 |
HOM 501 | $1,890.00 | $283.00 | $18.00 | $15.00 | $2,206.00 |
IHS 100 | $410.00 | $117.95 | $0.00 | $18.00 | $545.95 |
IHS 101 | $1,230.00 | $263.25 | $131.95 | $39.00 | $1,664.20 |
IHS 500 | $1,890.00 | $263.25 | $131.95 | $39.00 | $2,324.20 |
MTH 101 | $1,230.00 | $281.95 | $0.00 | $21.00 | $1,532.95 |
MTH 201 | $1,230.00 | $159.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $1,389.00 |
NAT 101 | $1,230.00 | $425.75 | $0.00 | $31.00 | $1,686.75 |
NAT 202 | $1,230.00 | $405.50 | $34.95 | $27.00 | $1,697.45 |
NAT 203 | $1,230.00 | $299.50 | $0.00 | $27.00 | $1,556.50 |
NAT 204 | $1,230.00 | $547.50 | $18.00 | $34.00 | $1,829.50 |
NAT 210 | $1,230.00 | $384.35 | $98.94 | $34.00 | $1,747.29 |
NAT 211 | $1,230.00 | $385.95 | $18.99 | $26.00 | $1,660.94 |
NAT 212 | $1,230.00 | $277.50 | $0.00 | $18.00 | $1,525.50 |
NAT 302 | $1,230.00 | $350.25 | $142.45 | $39.00 | $1,761.70 |
NAT 303 | $1,230.00 | $368.50 | $0.00 | $27.00 | $1,625.50 |
NAT 305 | $1,230.00 | $204.50 | $65.95 | $22.00 | $1,522.45 |
NAT 306 | $1,230.00 | $230.50 | $52.99 | $30.00 | $1,543.49 |
NAT 307 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $94.99 | $24.00 | $1,463.99 |
NAT 501 | $1,890.00 | $181.50 | $195.95 | $31.00 | $2,298.45 |
NAT 502 | $1,890.00 | $171.25 | $0.00 | $15.00 | $2,076.25 |
NAT 503 | $1,890.00 | $224.50 | $390.97 | $31.00 | $2,536.47 |
NAT 504 | $1,890.00 | $508.75 | $0.00 | $31.00 | $2,429.75 |
NAT 515 | $1,890.00 | $208.25 | $97.95 | $22.00 | $2,218.20 |
NUT 101 | $1,230.00 | $202.95 | $262.00 | $31.00 | $1,725.95 |
NUT 210 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $31.95 | $15.00 | $1,391.95 |
NUT 301 | $1,230.00 | $171.25 | $205.95 | $25.00 | $1,632.20 |
NUT 302 | $1,230.00 | $192.85 | $0.00 | $28.00 | $1,450.85 |
NUT 303 | $1,230.00 | $133.65 | $202.95 | $30.00 | $1,596.60 |
NUT 304 | $1,230.00 | $167.25 | $195.95 | $28.00 | $1,621.20 |
NUT 308 | $1,230.00 | $314.50 | $32.00 | $26.00 | $1,602.50 |
NUT 309 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $75.95 | $25.00 | $1,445.95 |
NUT 311 | $1,230.00 | $201.25 | $194.95 | $28.00 | $1,654.20 |
NUT 312 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $99.95 | $22.00 | $1,466.95 |
NUT 401 | $1,230.00 | $138.00 | $199.95 | $28.00 | $1,595.95 |
NUT 415 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $170.95 | $22.00 | $1,537.95 |
NUT 499 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $190.00 | $25.00 | $1,560.00 |
NUT 501 | $1,890.00 | $164.75 | $265.90 | $31.00 | $2,351.65 |
NUT 502 | $1,890.00 | $143.00 | $199.95 | $29.00 | $2,261.95 |
NUT 503 | $1,890.00 | $182.50 | $0.00 | $26.00 | $2,098.50 |
NUT 504 | $1,890.00 | $210.25 | $195.95 | $32.00 | $2,328.20 |
NUT 509 | $1,890.00 | $171.25 | $94.95 | $27.00 | $2,183.20 |
NUT 510 | $1,890.00 | $180.00 | $239.99 | $25.00 | $2,334.99 |
PFT 101 | $1,230.00 | $218.50 | $199.95 | $27.00 | $1,675.45 |
PHL 101 | $1,230.00 | $136.00 | $31.99 | $22.00 | $1,419.99 |
PHL 202 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $88.99 | $21.00 | $1,454.99 |
PSY 101 | $1,230.00 | $203.75 | $59.00 | $28.00 | $1,520.75 |
PSY 303 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $192.95 | $20.00 | $1,557.95 |
RES 301 | $1,230.00 | $163.75 | $136.99 | $28.00 | $1,558.74 |
RES 501 | $1,890.00 | $163.75 | $126.99 | $28.00 | $2,208.74 |
SOC 101 | $1,230.00 | $115.00 | $205.95 | $20.00 | $1,570.95 |
Optional Other Fees:
As an accredited College, we are required to publish all fees that may apply to a student at any time during their enrollment at ACHS, though most students will not encounter many of these fees if they remain in good academic and financial standing. Click here to review fees.
Program Projected Maximum Costs:
The projected maximum cost for all ACHS programs can be found on the Program Fact Sheet available to view online and download on each program description page. View ACHS Programs online here.
Last updated 2/21/25.