Other Optional Fees

At ACHS, we are committed to making your education as affordable as possible. These are fees you may encounter if you have special circumstances during your course or program at ACHS.

For instance, you may need expedited shipping for course materials. Or, if you’re the kind of person that wants to get every certificate you can on the way to earning your degree (and why not?!), you simply pay a fee for each additional certificate. This pays for the time it takes our Registrar to verify your graduation application form, as well as the printing and mailing costs. 

Please note: The following fees for optional services are non-refundable at the time of service.

Type of FeeAmount           Fee is charged when:

Challenge Exam or Final Exam Retake Fee


Challenge Exam: Student challenges core or pre-requisite program requirements by exam (when available). Final Exam Retake Fee: Student retakes final exam.

Proctored Assessment Retake Fee

$85Student retakes proctored final exam fee.

Expedited Shipping Fees

Varies by Shipment

Materials sent via expedited shipment method at student’s request.

Graduation Fee$50Student applies for graduation.

Graduation Rush Order Fee


Certificate, Diploma, or Degree is needed outside of the normal graduation processing dates of February 1, June 1 and October 1.

Incomplete Course Fee$49

Student has filed request for incomplete grade and indicated that he or she intends to complete outstanding coursework. 

Late Payment Fee


Installment payment is received after the payment due date.

Late Registration or Late Registration Change Fee


Late Registration Fee: Applies to registrations received after the published semester registration deadline – Visit https://achs.edu/academic-calendar for registration deadlines.

Late Registration Change Fee: Changes are made to course schedule after the registration deadline – Visit https://achs.edu/academic-calendar for registration deadlines.

Official Transcript Fee (additional copies)


The first official transcript requested by the student is free of charge; additional copies incur $10 fee.

Replacement Certificate, Diploma or Degree Fee


Student orders a duplicate or replacement Certificate, Diploma or Degree.

Returned check Fee


Student’s check payment is returned for insufficient funds or other issue.

Student Credit Check Fee

U.S.: $7.50

Charge for personal credit check to determine student’s eligibility for installment payments.