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5 Types of Students You’ll Meet in a Holistic Health Online Class

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Image Copyright: Antonio Guillem / 123RF Stock Photo

Holistic health classes? Online? Definitely! Holistic health and wellness are easier to study online than you may think. Not only do you get the flexibility to work around your schedule (or at the park with a fresh mug of organic coffee!), you’re in a learning environment with like-minded individuals. The opportunity for meaningful learning and meaningful connection is huge.

Holistic health education has come a long way, and a lot of that is thanks to technology. You can take accredited classes with a holistic health expert and still work full-time. You can train for a second career, even. You can benefit from the face-to-face interaction of real-time lessons from the comfort of your home while your kids do their homework. Hello, video chat and lab kits! Where have you been all our lives?

And, you can do all this with a community of students who can relate to your ideas, desires, and goals. Who are these amazing people?, you may be wondering. Let us demystify your classroom cohort a bit with the 411 on who takes online holistic health and wellness classes.

1. The stay-at-home parent …

Stay-at-home parents have a lot to gain from online classes. As we know, raising kids can be a real rollercoaster. There’s school and snacks and soccer and lots of other small details to think about every day. Online holistic health and wellness classes make learning accessible for stay-at-home parents who have shifting schedules. Plus, what mom or dad learns in the classroom can enhance their family’s life while supporting any long-term professional goals they may have.

Does this relate to you? Tell us in the comments and find your tribe! 

2. The outdoor travel adventurer …

Travel adventurers tend to value nontraditional learning environments and flexible career paths. Some may even like to take their education and/or career on the road with them, seeking knowledge from other communities, which can all inform a holistic health and wellness practice. Whether it be a small village in Indonesia or a big city like Paris, the travel adventurer wants to eat, sleep, and breathe wellness.

Is this you? Shout it out in the comments!

Speaking of travel… Blend your love for essential oils and adventure on our four-day intensive aromatherapy workshop in Kona, HI with aromatherapy experts Dorene Petersen and Amanda Lattin this November!

3. The health professional (nurse, massage therapist, chiropractor, etc.) …

Students already working in the allopathic or holistic health field are dedicated to wellness, which can include helping those dealing with chronic health issues, like pain, or helping clients develop lifestyle plans for optimal health and wellness.

Health professionals typically bring several years of prior education and/or experience to the classroom; this can be an invaluable peer-to-peer (or even networking!) opportunity for holistic health students new on their path.

Often students who are health professionals are looking to expand their client services or their job opportunities with some additional training. For example, an acupuncturist may be interested in aromatherapy classes so that he can make more holistic recommendations for his clients; an herbalist may be interested in a program like the Certificate in Natural Products Manufacturing so that she can develop her own herbal cosmetics or work with a supplement company.

Are you a health professional looking to expand your knowledge? Raise your hand in the comments below!

4. The working student …

Many of the working students you’ll find in holistic health and wellness courses work full-time or part-time jobs and are planning to transition careers. Working students take their time to figure out their next steps; they may currently be part-time students chipping away at the master plan.

Whether they are retiring and are looking to finally pursue their dreams, passion is at the heart of this career change. Many working students have an extensive do-it-yourself background in health and wellness and are excited to start their own enterprise, to open some kind of business down the road or even to bring their education into their current work by introducing a corporate wellness program, or something similar.

Are you deep into the #SideHustleLife? Shout it out in the comments!

5. The health enthusiast (writer, yogi, energy worker, etc.)… 

The health enthusiast typically brings a lot of background knowledge to the classroom. This student may have already completed some (or a lot!) of formal training in addition to their self-led studies, including certificates in areas like fitness training, reiki, meditation, or yoga, among others.

Often health enthusiasts are students of the mind-body connection and looking for more formal health and wellness education to deepen their knowledge and expand client offerings. 

Are you in the #WellnessWarrior camp? Give me a “HECK YEAH!” in the comments!

Wherever you fall on the student spectrum, the one thing all holistic health students have in common: they have a deep passion for wellness and helping others. So let’s chat about it! Tell us in the comments…

  • What kind of student do YOU identify with?
  • What drives YOUR passion for holistic health?

Disclosure of Material Connection: I am the Dean of English and Director of Communications of American College of Healthcare Sciences, the Institution that publishes this blog. However, all opinions are my own. This blog may contain affiliate links. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. This article has not been reviewed by the FDA. Always consult with your primary care physician or naturopathic doctor before making any significant changes to your health and wellness routine.

Lauren Torchia

Lauren Torchia

Lauren Torchia is a writer, editor, and obsessive iPhotographer. She holds an MS in Writing from Portland State University and has more than 10 years’ experience writing and editing for commercial and creative enterprises. She currently serves as ACHS Dean of English and Communications Manager and is 200-hr yoga teacher certified from YoYoYogi in Portland, OR. Recent work has appeared in YOGANONYMOUS and Elephant Journal.

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