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Student Highlight: Public Health and Wellness Approach

Carolyn Kelso is a student in the MS in Holistic Nutrition program and a graduate of the MS in Health and Wellness program at ACHS. She is the owner of Betty Carry and also plans on starting a health and wellness coaching business after she graduates. Discovering Holistic Health Serving in the United States Marine […]

Alumni Highlight: Shannon Mesneak |

Shannon Mesneak is an ACHS AAS in CAM graduate who owns an herbal apothecary store in Longview, Washington. She graduated from ACHS in 2017, then went on to complete two internships: One in Hill, Texas with Dr. Lorie Rose, and one in Battleground, Washington with Dr. Jillian Stansbury.  Let’s Be Holistic Shannon opened Let’s Be […]

Alumni Highlight: Shanna Bynes

Shanna Bynes is an Aromatherapist, Licensed Medical Aesthetician, Natural Nail Specialist, and Professional Makeup artist who completed a Diploma in Aromatherapy from ACHS in 2019. She is the CEO of Grow Out Oils and also provides custom formulations  for physicians and high end luxury spas.     Discovering essential oils Shanna’s interest in essential oils […]

What does it mean to be a Certified B Corporation? |

March is B Corp Month, so now is the perfect time to share what it means to us to be a Certified B Corporation® and why we became one in the first place.

Holistic Approaches to Fibromyalgia | Part III |

In Part 1 of the series, A Holistic Approach to Fibromyalgia, I shared my journey from conventional medicine to arriving at a diagnosis of joint hypermobility and fibromyalgia. In Part 2 I talked about my ventures into researching natural therapies and holistic solutions to my symptoms. In this article I will get specific about the […]

A holistic approach to fibromyalgia Part 2 |

In Part 1 of our fibromyalgia series, I talked about my journey to a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and joint hypermobility through a maze of conventional medicine. After arriving at a conclusion, many questions remained unanswered. Why didn’t my physicians ask me about my diet? Why didn’t my physical therapists suggest yoga? Is meditation effective for […]

A holistic approach to fibromyalgia | Part 1 |

Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and other nebulous energy-zapping conditions can be difficult to diagnose and treat. The symptoms are far-reaching and can be indicative of a myriad of other imbalances and illnesses, so often a patient with symptoms of insomnia, brain fog, inflammation, depression, fatigue, and consistent unexplained pain is sent on a merry-go-round of […]

Natural Skin Care Strategies for a Youthful Glow |

 As a licensed aesthetician, I began working in the skin care industry more than 30 years ago.  One product line I used in the facial room actually erased my fingerprints over time.  No kidding, I’ve been fingerprinted a few times over the years since then as a requirement to work with non-profit organizations supporting children. […]

How Do You Hygge? Embracing Winter Traditions

“Hygge” [pronounced hoo-gah] translates to “fun”, or snuggling, or cherishing oneself, but the practice of hygge is a lifestyle trend that has caught on like wildfire. It is particularly useful in a climate like the Pacific NorthWest (PNW), where we get a really good dose of winter every year, with gloomy overcast skies and lots […]

5 Ways to Celebrate Your Graduation from an Online College

First off, let’s start by saying, congratulations, graduates! It took a lot of hard work, sleepless nights, and sacrifices along the way to reach your goal. But look at all you’ve learned, and the fun you’ve had along the way! Anyone that says online learning is easier hasn’t studied online. We know anxiously waiting for […]

How to Reduce Your Meat Consumption: 5 Tips to Go Vegetarian

I never thought I would become a vegan. I grew up eating meat; I loved it, and I felt sorry for vegetarians who could not enjoy the wonderful taste that animal-based foods provided. This all changed, however, when my husband and I embarked on a three-week sugar detox.  As part of the detox, my husband […]

ACHS Becomes a Certified B Corporation®

American College of Healthcare Sciences achieves Certified B Corps status, demonstrating commitment to higher standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. Portland, OR—September 15, 2016—American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) proudly announces that it has become the first accredited higher education institution specializing in holistic and integrative health and wellness to become a […]

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