Christina Smith, MS in Aromatherapy Student

Christina Smith, Current MS in Aromatherapy Student, ACHS Ambassador

Phone: 573-528-8162

Email: [email protected]

I enrolled in the Masters of Aromatherapy program, and I am really enjoying my classes. I have enjoyed using essential oils for many years, beginning with a desire to incorporate more natural cleaning methods into our home. I have always desired to learn more. As a result, my search led me to ACHS. I love the online learning format. It provides the flexibility to work when I have the time and to learn at my pace. I know that this education is invaluable to being an effective Aromatherapist. The most important thing I have learned so far is the benefit of good research and research methods. Before beginning my studies with ACHS I had a very limited idea of how to accomplish this, now I am confident that research is not as scary as I once thought. I currently work as an Aromatherapist for Plant Therapy and know that my education will provide valuable insight into the future.

What are three things you would tell prospective students?

  1. Call and discuss your enrollment options with ACHS Admissions, they are so friendly and helpful.
  2. While ACHS online learning is very flexible, self-motivation is key. Design a good learning and study plan for yourself.
  3. ACHS provides so many great tools and tutorials that set you up for success, take advantage of them!

What are your three best tips for current ACHS students?

  1. Have a solid plan, planner, or similar schedule. Set aside several hours each week for reading, essay contributions and working in your virtual classroom with classmates.
  2. Have a solid support system. Friends, family, and classmates can all provide positive feedback. Create clear expectations for your family and friends so they can see how you value your education.
  3. Discover your best learning style. If you don’t know, there are valuable online tools that can help. Knowing your learning style will enable you to focus keeping the information “stick”.