Loan Counseling & MPN
In order to receive federal student loans, students must complete several requirements, including completing entrance and exit counseling regarding the terms and conditions for federal student loans upon enrollment and withdrawal or graduation respectively. The Department of Education provides students with access to these tools online at ACHS Financial Aid Advisors also provide telephone counseling to students regarding loan eligibility and repayment during the enrollment and withdrawal or graduation process.
Specifically, all federal student loan recipients must complete the following:
- Entrance Counseling: The Department of Education provides online loan counseling as a required part of the financial aid application process to ensure students fully understand their rights and obligations as a federal student loan recipient.
- Sign Master Promissory Note (MPN): All federal student loan recipients are required to complete and sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN). The signed MPN provides the government with a promise from the student to repay the loan(s) as well as more information about the rights and responsibilities students have as a borrower.
- Exit Counseling: Upon graduation, withdrawal, or when enrolled on a less than half-time basis, students will complete exit counseling online directly with the Department of Education. Exit Counseling reiterates the borrower’s rights and responsibilities as a student loan recipient.
ACHS Financial Aid Advisors assist students to complete these mandated requirements during the financial aid application process for entrance counseling and completing the MPN and during graduation or withdrawal for exit counseling.
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