Maximum Allowable Transfer Credit

ACHS is committed to helping students maximize their previous learning and experience and evaluates transfer of credit for all incoming students. Transfer of credit earned at accredited institutions, and ACHS also offers opportunities to earn credit via challenge exam. Following is the maximum transfer credit allowed at each degree level:  

At the Associate (Undergraduate) level – A maximum of 36 of the 60 credits required for an Associates degree may be awarded for transfer credit.*

At the Bachelors (Undergraduate) level – A maximum of 90 of 120 credits required for a bachelors degree may be awarded through transfer of credit.*

At the Masters (Graduate) level – A maximum of 18 of the 36 credits required for a Masters degree may be awarded through transfer credit.*

At the Professional Doctorate Degree level A maximum of 9 of the 60 credits required for the Doctorate degree may be awarded through transfer credit.*

In addition to these maximum credit awards, please note, no more than two academic years of instruction (no more than 50% of credit hours used for the degree) may be from schools that do not offer baccalaureate degrees.

Once your transfer credit has been evaluated by the Registrar’s Office, your advisor will help you develop an academic plan taking into account your transfer of credit. 

*In compliance with the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization’s requirements ODA OAR 583-030-0035(5)(a)(B).