Professional Exams and Registration
Prior to enrollment with ACHS, students are solely responsible for confirming that the certificate, diploma or degree program in which they enroll will meet their personal and career objectives in the state they reside in. If you are interested in pursuing a career in the health and wellness industry, you should consult with the appropriate state board in your state to assure that your credentials will allow you to achieve your professional goals.
Aromatherapy Membership and Registration Options
An aromatherapy certificate, diploma or degree provides graduates with useful skills that may enhance a current career path or offer opportunity to work in the holistic health and wellness community, however, graduation from an aromatherapy program does not convey any sort of license to practice.
Currently, there are no licensing requirements for aromatherapists in the United States.
There are memberships and registration options in the industry, including:
- Registration with the Aromatherapy Registration Council
- Alliance of International Aromatherapists’ Professional Membership
- NAHA Professional Membership
Important: Aromatherapists may not claim to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness, because doing so may be considered practicing medicine without a license and a violation of State Medical Practice Acts.
Aromatherapy Registration Council (ARC)
Qualifying ACHS programs as of July 20, 2021 include:
- Certificate in Aromatherapy*
- Diploma in Aromatherapy
- Associate of Applied Science in Complementary Alternative Medicine with Aromatherapy Specialization
- Graduate Certificate in Aromatherapy*
- Master of Science in Aromatherapy program
- Master of Science in Complementary Alternative Medicine with Aromatherapy Electives**
Exam Eligibility Requirements as of July 20, 2021:
(Note this information is provided for reference and was retrieved from this page on July 20, 2021. Please contact ARC directly for the latest requirements.)
- Completion of a minimum of a 200 hour Level 2 program in aromatherapy from a college or school that is in compliance with the current National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) and Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) Educational Guidelines, OR evidence of equivalent training (transcripts and/or syllabi must be enclosed with Application). A determination of equivalency shall be made by the ARC™ Board in its sole reasonable discretion.
- Current membership in either NAHA or AIA.
- Agreement to adhere to the ARC Disciplinary Policy.
- Completion and filing of Application for ARC Registration Examination in Aromatherapy.
- Payment of required fees.
Please visit for more exam information and how to register.
R.A.’s are required to recertify every five years. Information about continuing education and recertification is available online at
ACHS Graduate Success Rates
ACHS Aromatherapy graduates have a five-year (2016-2020) success rate of 95% on the Aromatherapy Registration Council National Exam leading to registration as a Registered Aromatherapist.
*Meets the aromatherapy education requirements for NAHA Level II and AIA Professional Level for existing health professionals such as Massage Therapists, Herbalists, Nurses, Physicians, etc per the NAHA requirements. Graduates that are not existing health professionals are also required to complete qualifying anatomy and physiology training.
**Requires students to complete AROMA 501, AROMA 503, AROMA 504, AROMA 505 and anatomy and physiology training for graduates that are not existing health professionals.
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