Technology moves fast. We now have 3-D televisions and printers, video games that read your body, and smart phones that can track your REM cycles while you sleep. But what if you could smell a bouquet of roses every time you receive a text from a loved one? Or how would you like the aroma of ylang ylang to spring from your phone when a friend “Likes” one of your photos?
Well, as of November 15th, you can! Mat Smith wrote a very thorough article for on a tech company based out of Japan called Scentee.[1] They’ve released a smartphone accessory that will emit a fragrance whenever you receive a message or notification. Smith offers an excellent overview, including a video, of the creative evolution of the product and how it works.
So here’s the Scentee low-down: The bubble-like gadget plugs into the headphone port on your mobile device and works in tandem with a Scentee app. You can load the Scentee with fragrance cartridges such as mint, lavender, jasmine, apple, and coffee. You can then set the aroma to release as an alarm, notification, or message. There are even corn soup and barbecue scented cartridges for the nose who craves more savory notes! The product launched on Amazon Japan on November 15th.
Aromatherapy via iPhone?
The human sense of smell is a phenomenal ability. Most of us who have smelled an orange grove after a rainstorm or fresh cookies in the oven can tell you that certain aromas can have significant effects on our emotional and physical states. Have you ever had your mouth start watering after catching a whiff of warm apple pie? Our sense of smell is connected to the digestive process, producing saliva and preparing those digestive juices for a yummy meal. Scientists have even discovered that the human brain can distinguish between 2,000-4,000 different aromas! Depending on the aroma, our sense of smell can also support a healthy and restful sleep cycle.
So does this mean the Scentee transforms your phone into a diffuser letting you practice aromatherapy on the go? Not quite. Literally translated, “aromatherapy” means using the benefits of aromas for their healing qualities. It is traditionally practiced by using essential oils to support holistic health through baths, massage, compresses, topical application, and inhalation. Yet, rather than using essential oils, the Scentee uses ultrasound or ultrasonic vibrations to produce each aroma.[2]
But if you want to reap the natural benefits of aromas, one of the simplest ways is to blend essential oils in a diffuser (like the one pictured right). For example, if you need a bit of a pick-me-up, you can diffuse this stimulating recipe throughout your home: blend 3 drops of sweet orange Citrus sinensis essential oil with 3 drops of basil Ocimum basilicum essential oil. When inhaled, the mucous membranes in your nose absorb the active constituents in the essential oil into your bloodstream allowing for therapeutic actions to take effect. You can learn more about aromatherapy and the active constituents in essential oils through the American College of Healthcare Sciences accredited online aromatherapy programs.
Ultimately, since the Scentee doesn’t diffuse essential oils, it’s unclear whether or not you would experience any therapeutic effects. But then again, it might not be the worst thing to wake up to the aroma of fresh cinnamon buns wafting from your iPhone.
Interested in learning more about how aromatherapy can enhance your well being and quality of life? Click the button below to receive free offers and more information on the American College of Healthcare Sciences accredited online programs!
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. This article has not been reviewed by the FDA. Always consult with your primary care physician or naturopathic doctor before making any significant changes to your health and wellness routine.
[1] Smith, M. (2013, October 25). Why have normal smartphone notifications when you can use the smell of bacon. Retrieved from
[2] Ibid.