BUS 304

Business Communications for Wellness Professionals Online


This course provides the foundations for integrative health business communication, including letters, memos, electronic communication, written reports, oral presentations, and interpersonal communication. The course also includes reviewing resumes, application letters, interviewing tips, and employment follow-up documents to help prepare students to navigate as wellness professionals.

Learning Outcomes

  • Create effective written business communications to prepare for a career as a wellness professional.

  • Assess business communications to further understanding of effective communication.

  • Develop business reports reflecting the ability to synthesize information.

  • Deliver engaging oral presentations, utilizing effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques.

  • Craft resumes, cover letters, and other employment-related documents to enhance professionalism in job-seeking efforts within the wellness profession.

More details

Required Course Pack:

  • Online Materials and Library Resources (OMLR) – $115

Required Textbooks:

View the required textbooks for this class, including ISBN, edition, and retail price, by visiting our Required Textbooks page.

Total Course Price: 

View the total course price, including tuition, fees, course materials, and shipping online here.

Current Instructors:

View all ACHS instructors, including bios, photos, and courses taught.

Admissions Requirements:

Minimum of a high school diploma or equivalency and recommendation for admission by the ACHS Admissions Committee.

Total Course Price:

View the total course price including tuition, fees, course materials, and shipping.

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