HERB 302

Herbal Materia Medica I Online


HERB 302 is the first of a series of herbal materia medica courses, studying each botanical in depth, including its therapeutic actions, active constituents, methods of administration, cautions and contraindications, and current research. Botanicals include a selection from the following therapeutic groups: alterative, demulcent, cathartic, anthelmintic, astringent, and diuretic herbs.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the major active constituents and their therapeutic actions of the herbs studied.

  • Describe appropriate cautions and contraindications for the herbs studied, including potential herb/drug interactions.

  • Describe historical uses of the herbs studied.

  • Find and discuss current research on therapeutic uses of the herbs studied.

  • Describe and prepare appropriate preparations for each of the herbs studied.

  • Apply general techniques for plant identification, ethical wildcrafting, sustainable harvesting, field identification, and safety procedures.

  • Optional: Grow, gather, and store herbs for therapeutic use.

More details

Required Course Pack:

  • ACHS eTextbook: Petersen, D. (2023). HERB 302: Herbal Materia Medica I (20th Edition).
    Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences. (Optional: Printed copy available for an additional fee)
  • Online Materials and Library Resources (OMLR)
  • Herb 302 Herb Kit

The HERB 302 Herb Kit includes the following experiential learning supplies: 

  • Selection of 25, 1 oz certified organic or sustainably wildcrafted herbs. Note, herbs included may vary due to seasonal availability.

Required Textbooks: 

View the required textbooks for this class, including ISBN, edition, and retail price, by visiting our Required Textbooks page.

Total Course Price:

View the total course price, including tuition, fees, course materials, and shipping online here.

Current Instructors:

View all ACHS instructors, including bios, photos, and courses taught.

Admissions Requirements:

Minimum of a high school diploma or equivalency and recommendation for admission by the ACHS Admissions Committee.

Total Course Price:

View the total course price including tuition, fees, course materials, and shipping.

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