HLTH 202

History of Health and Healing Online


This course offers a survey of the evolution of health and healing practices from ancient civilizations to the present day. It provides an insightful and thought-provoking overview of how different cultures and societies have historically approached health and healing. Students will explore key developments in medical knowledge and practices, from early herbal remedies and traditional healing methods to the rise of modern medicine and contemporary healthcare systems. By examining the social, cultural, and technological factors that have influenced health practices, students will understand the historical context that shapes current health and wellness perspectives. This course encourages students to appreciate the diverse approaches to health and healing across time and to reflect on how past practices inform present-day health and wellness.

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss key figures, events, and milestones in the history of health and healing from ancient civilizations to modern times.

  • Distinguish different historical approaches to health and healing to highlight how these approaches have contributed to contemporary health and wellness practices.

  • Analyze the impact of major historical events and discoveries on the evolution of medical knowledge and modern healthcare.

  • Describe the use of herbs in various cultures throughout history to assess their impact on the development of modern traditional and holistic healthcare practices.

More details

Required Course Pack: 

  • Online Materials and Library Resources (OMLR)

The HLTH 202 Practical Lab Kit includes the following experiential learning supplies:

  • 1 oz Organic Echinacea Root Echinacea angustifolia
  • 1 oz Organic Elder Flower Sambucus nigra
  • 1 oz Organic German Chamomile Flowers Matricaria recutita
  • 1 oz Organic Horehound Herb Marrubium vulgare
  • 1 oz Organic Lemon Balm Leaf Melissa officinalis
  • 1 oz Organic Red Raspberry Leaf Rubus idaeus
  • Press-N-Brew tea bags (50 per pack)

Required Textbooks:

View the required textbooks for this class, including ISBN, edition, and retail price, by visiting our Required Textbooks page. https://achs.edu/student-services/required-textbooks/

Total Course Price:

View the total course price, including tuition, fees, course materials, and shipping online here. https://achs.edu/admissions/tuition-and-funding/what-does-it-cost/

Current Instructors:

View all ACHS instructors, including bios, photos, and courses taught.

Admissions Requirements:

Minimum of a high school diploma or equivalency and recommendation for admission by the ACHS Admissions Committee.

Total Course Price:

View the total course price including tuition, fees, course materials, and shipping.

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