4 Tips for the First Week of School

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A holistic approach to fibromyalgia Part 2

In Part 1 of our fibromyalgia series, I talked about my journey to a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and joint hypermobility through a maze of conventional medicine. After arriving at a conclusion, many questions remained unanswered. Why didn’t my physicians ask me about my diet? Why didn’t my physical therapists suggest yoga? Is meditation effective for […]

Get ahead of SAD this year with Vitamin D

Stress Support Strategies for Relaxation

Today is National Relaxation Day! In honor of this we are making customized aromatherapy inhalers for all of our team in the office, and taking a moment to consider some relaxation strategies for optimal wellness.

A holistic approach to fibromyalgia | Part 1 | ACHS.edu

Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and other nebulous energy-zapping conditions can be difficult to diagnose and treat. The symptoms are far-reaching and can be indicative of a myriad of other imbalances and illnesses, so often a patient with symptoms of insomnia, brain fog, inflammation, depression, fatigue, and consistent unexplained pain is sent on a merry-go-round of […]

Kitchari: A Detoxifying Ayurvedic Meal

Copyright: 123rf.com Kitchari is a traditional Ayurvedic dish that’s known for its ability to detox the body and balance all three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. The combination of rice and lentils provides all the amino acids needed to form a complete protein, and ginger is known for improving digestion. Turmeric is recognized for its […]

Herbal Studies 101: What Is Rosemary Good For? | ACHS

Image Copyright: ACHS. Photographed at the ACHS campus and Apothecary Shoppe in Portland, Oregon. In her delirium, Ophelia says to Laertes, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” Indeed we often think of rosemary for memory: It turns out that Shakespeare did know his herbs. But in herbal studies, rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis has many other qualities to […]

Get the Most Out of a Holistic Health Conference

5 Essential Oils to Keep your next Uber Ride Clean | ACHS.edu

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If Excessive Salt is Bad for Health, How Do I Make Food Taste Good?

Salt and its impact on health is a topic I grew up with. My mother had heart disease and high blood pressure.  She passed at age 59 even though she took the medications available to her in the 70’s, grudgingly reduced her salt intake and worked physically hard most of her life.

Natural DIY Aromatherapy Sunscreen Recipe

Pamper Yourself and Soothe Stress with a Natural Spa Day

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