Required Textbooks
Required Textbooks at ACHS
ACHS uses both Commercial Textbooks and ACHS Textbooks (textbooks published by the institution), depending on the course. Learn more about textbook options and the cost of attendance at ACHS online here.
The following chart details the required textbooks for each course at ACHS. Required textbooks are included in the total course price and automatically shipped to students when their registration is processed.
Please note: ACHS Textbooks are only available through the institution. For courses with an ACHS textbook, all students receive an eTextbook (Green Option) as part of the mandatory course fees (course pack) that can be accessed in the online classroom on the first day of class; an optional printed copy is available at an additional cost.
* There is also an e-book available for this textbook.
Important Note for McGraw Hill Textbooks Only:
The McGraw Hill textbooks listed below are provided in a printed, bound format when ordered directly through ACHS. If you choose to purchase your own textbooks, please note that the public ISBN listed below corresponds to a loose-leaf version rather than a bound book. If you prefer to receive the bound textbook with your course materials, please contact the ACHS Registrar at [email protected]
Required Textbooks by Course
Class(es) Required for: | Current ISBN | Book Title | Edition | Publication Date | Author | Publisher Data | Format Available from ACHS (Printed or Ebook) | ACHS Price as of 10/24/24 |
AROMA 101 | N/A | Aromatherapy Essentials: Foundations for Professional Practice | 2nd | 2024 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $148) | $148 |
AROMA 203 | N/A | Aromatherapy and the Body Systems: A Therapeutic Guide | 1st | 2023 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $148) | $148 |
AROMA 203 | 9781394206902 | How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine and Healthcare | 7th | 2024 | Greenhalgh, T. | West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons | Printed* | TBD |
AROMA 303 | N/A | Aromatherapy Materia Medica: Essential Oil Monographs | 20th | 2020 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $185) | $173 |
AROMA 303 | 9781394206902 | How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine and Healthcare | 7th | 2024 | Greenhalgh, T. | West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons | Printed* | TBD |
AROMA 304 | 9781119484745 | How to Read a Paper | 6th | 2019 | Greenhalgh, T. | West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons | Printed* | $57.95 |
AROMA 304 | N/A | Aromatherapy Materia Medica: Essential oil monographs | 20th | 2020 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $185) | $173 |
AROMA 305 | 9781741140514 | Chemistry of Aromatherapeutic Oils | 3rd | 2004 | Bowles, E. J. | Crows, Nest, N.S.W. | Printed* | $44.95 |
AROMA 501 | N/A | Aromatherapy Essentials: Foundations for Professional Practice. | 2nd | 2024 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare College | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $148) | $148 |
AROMA 501 | 9780702054402 | Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Healthcare | 3rd | 2015 | Buckle, J. | New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone | Printed* | $69.95 |
AROMA 501 | 9781787752290 | Essential Oils (Fully Revised and Updated 3rd Edition): A Comprehensive Handbook for Aromatic Therapy | 3rd | 2019 | Rhind, P. J. | Philadelphia, PA: Singing Dragon | Printed* | $110 |
AROMA 501 | 9780815370963 | Handbook of Essential Oils Science, Technology, and Applications | 3rd | 2020 | Husnu, B. & Buchbauer, G. | Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis | Printed* | $280 |
AROMA 503 | N/A | Aromatherapy and the Body Systems: A Therapeutic Guide. | 1st | 2023 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $148) | $148 |
AROMA 503 | 9780702054402 | Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Healthcare | 3rd | 2015 | Buckle, J. | New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone | Printed* | $69.95 |
AROMA 503 | 9781787752290 | Essential Oils (Fully Revised and Updated 3rd Edition): A Comprehensive Handbook for Aromatic Therapy | 3rd | 2019 | Rhind, P. J. | Philadelphia, PA: Singing Dragon | Printed* | $110 |
AROMA 503 | 9780815370963 | Handbook of Essential Oils Science, Technology, and Applications | 3rd | 2020 | Husnu, B. & Buchbauer, G. | Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis | Printed* | $280 |
AROMA 503 | 9781394206902 | How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Healthcare | 7th | 2024 | Greenhalgh, T. | West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons | Printed* | TBD |
AROMA 504 | 9780702054402 | Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Healthcare | 3rd | 2015 | Buckle, J. | New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone | Printed* | $69.95 |
AROMA 504 | 9781787752290 | Essential Oils (Fully Revised and Updated 3rd Edition): A Comprehensive Handbook for Aromatic Therapy | 3rd | 2019 | Rhind, J.P. | Philadelphia, PA: Singing Dragon | Printed* | $110 |
AROMA 504 | N/A | Aromatherapy Materia Medica: Essential Oil Monographs | 20th | 2020 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $185) | $173 |
AROMA 504 | 9780815370963 | Handbook of Essential Oils Science, Technology, and Applications | 3rd | 2020 | Husnu, B. & Buchbauer, G. | Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis | Printed* | $280 |
AROMA 504 | 9781119484745 | How to Read a Paper | 6th | 2019 | Greenhalgh. T | West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons | Printed* | $57.95 |
AROMA 505 | N/A | Aromatherapy Materia Medica: Essential Oil Monographs | 20th | 2020 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $185) | $173 |
AROMA 505 | 9780702054402 | Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Healthcare | 3rd | 2015 | Buckle, J. | New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone | Printed* | $69.95 |
AROMA 505 | 9781787752290 | Essential Oils (Fully Revised and Updated 3rd Edition): A Comprehensive Handbook for Aromatic Therapy | 3rd | 2019 | Rhind, J.P. | Philadelphia, PA: Singing Dragon | Printed* | $110 |
AROMA 505 | 9780815370963 | Handbook of Essential Oils Science, Technology, and Applications | 3rd | 2020 | Husnu, B. & Buchbauer, G. | Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis | Printed* | $280 |
AROMA 505 | 9781119484745 | How to Read a Paper | 6th | 2019 | Greenhalgh. T | West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons | Printed* | $57.95 |
AROMA 507 | 9780702054402 | Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Healthcare | 3rd | 2015 | Buckle, J. | New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone | Printed* | $69.95 |
AROMA 507 | 9781741140514 | Chemistry of Aromatherapeutic Oils | 3rd | 2004 | Bowles, E. J. | Crows Nest, N.S.W. | Printed* | $44.95 |
AROMA 507 | 9780443104039 | Essential Chemistry for Aromatherapy | 2nd | 2008 | Clarke, S. | New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone | Printed* | $62.95 |
AROMA 507 | 9781466590465 | Handbook of Essential Oils Science, Technology, and Applications | 2nd | 2015 | Husnu, B. & Buchbauer, G. | Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis | Printed* | $280 |
BIO 111 | 9780134675473 | Biology: Science for Life | 6th | 2018 | Belk, C. & Maier, B. V. | New York, NY: Pearson | Printed* | $213.32 |
BUS 101 | 9781265445829 | 13th | 2023 | Feral, C. O. & Ferrell, L. | New York, NY: McGraw Hill | Printed* | $199.95 | |
BUS 304 | 9781266432828 | Business communication: Developing leaders for a networked world | 5th | 2024 | Cardon, P. | New York, NY: McGraw Hill | Printed* | $195.95 |
BUS 390 | 9781266841491 | 18th | 2024 | Cannon, J., Perreault, W., & McCarthy, J. E. | New York, NY: McGraw Hill | Printed* | $199.95 | |
BUS 510 | 9780865718982 | A Finer Future: Creating an Economy in Service to Life | 1st | 2018 | Lovins, L.H., Wallis, S., Wijkman, A. & Fullerton, J. | Chambersburg, PA: Ingram Publishers | Printed* | $34.99 |
BUS 510 | 9781595620255 | Strengths-Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow | 1st | 2008 | Rath, T., & Conchie, B. | New York, NY: Simon and Schuster | Printed* | $40 |
BUS 512 | 9781337091992 | Essentials of Economics | 8th | 2018 | Mankiw, N. G. | Boston MA: Cengage | Printed* | $312.95 |
BUS 514 | 9781337103572 | Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment | 11th | 2018 | Jennings, M. | Boston MA: Cengage | Printed* | $312.95 |
BUS 516 | 9781337902601 | Financial Management: Theory & Practice | 16th | 2020 | Ehrhardt, M.C. & Brigham, E.F. | Boston MA: Cengage | Printed* | $375.95 |
BUS 518 | 9781337406451 | Contemporary Project Management | 4th | 2019 | Kloppenborg, T., Anantatmula, V. S., & Wells, K. | Boston MA: Cengage | Printed* | $249.95 |
BUS 518 | 9781628253825 | A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) | 6th | 2017 | Project Management Institute | Newton Square, PA: Project Management Institute | Printed* | $99 |
BUS 520 | 9780357131787 | Business Analytics | 4th | 2020 | Camm, J. D., Cochrane, J. J., Fry, M. J., & Ohlmann, J. W. | Boston, MA: Cengage Unlimited | Printed* | $249.95 |
BUS 522 | 9781603587488 | The Business of Botanicals: Exploring the Healing promise of Plant Medicines in a Global Industry | 1st | 2021 | Armbrecht, A. | Chelsea, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing | Printed* | $24.95 |
BUS 522 | 9781882908059 | Business mastery: A guide for creating a fulfilling, thriving practice and keeping it successful | 1st | 2016 | Sohnen-Moe, C. | Tucson, AZ: Sohnen-Moe Associates | Printed* | $52.99 |
BUS 531 | 9780983332497 | The Global Challenge: International Human Resource Management | 3rd | 2017 | Pucik, V., Evans, P., Bjorkman, I., & Morris, S. | Chicago, IL: Chicago Business Press | Printed* | $91.54 |
BUS 533 | 9781119284956 | Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management | 1st | 2017 | Belevedere, V. & Grando, A. | West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | Printed* | $87.95 |
BUS 535 | 9780415707763 | Sustainable Urban Development Reader | 3rd | 2014 | Wheeler, S., & Beatley, T. | New York, NY: Routledge. | Printed* | $110 |
BUS 598 | 9781578511242 | The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action | 1st | 2000 | Pfeffer, J., & Sutton, R. I. | Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press | Printed* | $38 |
BUS 598 | 9780470876411 | Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game-Changers, and Challengers | 1st | 2010 | Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., & Clark, T. | Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. | Printed* | $34.95 |
CAP 501 | 9781506336091 | How to Write a Master’s Thesis | 3rd | 2020 | Bui, Y. N. | SAGE Publishing: Thousand Oaks, CA | Printed* | $68 |
CHEM 120 | 9781266518300 | 3rd | 2024 | Burdge, J. & Driessen, M. | New York, NY: McGraw Hill | Printed* | $195.95 | |
CHEM 501 | 9781266748325 | General, Organic, and Biochemistry | 11th | 2022 | Denniston, K., Topping, J., Quirk Dorr, D., & Caret, R. | New York, NY: McGraw Hill | Printed* | $229.25 |
CHEM 501 | 9780789015525 | Understanding medicinal plants, Their chemistry and therapeutic action | 1st | 2005 | Hanson, B. A. | New York, NY: The Haworth Herbal Press | Printed* | TBD |
DSC 601 | 9780367506155 | Food Insecurity: A Matter of Justice, Sovereignty, and Survival (Critical Food Studies) | 1st | 2022 | Mayer, T. & Anderson, M. | New York, NY: Routledge | Printed* | $54.95 |
DSC 601 | 9781541697119 | Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat | 1st | 2018 | Nestle, M. | N.Y., N.Y., Basic Books | Printed* | $30 |
DSC 605 | 9781526411310 | Writing Research Proposals in the Health Sciences: A Step-by-step Guide. | 1st | 2018 | Schneider, Z. & Fuller, J. | Thousand Oaks, CA.SAGE Publications Ltd. | Printed* | $48 |
DSC 610 | 9781284123975 | Essentials of Environmental Health | 3rd | 2018 | Friis, R.H. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning | Printed* | $103.95 |
DSC 610 | 9780323777278 | Integrative Medicine | 5th | 2022 | Rakel, D. | New York, NY: Elsevier | Printed* | $104.99 |
DSC 615 | 9780323595636 | Gastrointestinal Physiology: Mosby Physiology Series | 9th | 2018 | Johnson, L.R. | Philadephia, PA, Elsevier. | Printed* | $45.99 |
DSC 615 | 9781260122404 | Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology | 26th | 2019 | Barrett, K.E., Barman, S.M., Boitano, S. & Brooks, H.L. | New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education. | Printed* | $83 |
DSC 615 | 9780323777278 | Integrative Medicine | 5th | 2022 | Rakel, D. | New York, NY: Saunders | Printed* | $104.99 |
DSC 620 | 9780323480864 | Clinical Environmental Medicine | 1st | 2019 | Crinnion, W.J, & Pizzorno, J.D. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $127.99 |
DSC 620 | 9780323777278 | Integrative Medicine | 5th | 2022 | Rakel, D. | New York: NY, Saunders | Printed* | $104.99 |
DSC 625 | 9780323777278 | Integrative Medicine | 5th | 2022 | Rakel, D. | New York, NY: Saunders. | Printed* | $104.99 |
DSC 625 | 9780443105197 | Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System | 7th | 2023 | Abbas, A.K, Lichtman, A.H. & Pillai, S. | Philadelphia, PA., Elsevier, Inc. | Printed* | $77.99 |
DSC 630 | 9781260122404 | Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology | 26th | 2019 | Barrett, K.E., Barman, S.M., Boitano, S. & Brooks, H.L. | New York: McGraw Hill Education | Printed* | $83 |
DSC 630 | 9781264617616 | Cardiovascular Physiology | 10th | 2024 | Mohrman, D.E. & Heller, L.J. | New York: McGraw Hill Education | Printed* | $61 |
DSC 630 | 9780323777278 | Integrative Medicine | 5th | 2022 | Rakel, D. | New York: Saunders. | Printed* | $104.99 |
DSC 635 | 9781260122404 | Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology | 26th | 2019 | Barrett, K.E., Barman, S.M., Boitano, S. & Brooks, H.L. | New York: McGraw Hill Education | Printed* | $83 |
DSC 635 | 9781264278459 | Endocrine Physiology | 6th | 2023 | Molina, P.E. | 2023 | Printed* | TBD |
DSC 635 | 9780323777278 | Integrative Medicine | 5th | 2022 | Rakel, D. | New York: Saunders. | Printed* | $104.99 |
DSC 640 | 9780323777278 | Integrative Medicine | 5th | 2022 | Rakel, D. | New York: Saunders | Printed* | $104.99 |
DSC 640 | 9781260122404 | Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology | 26th | 2019 | Barrett, K.E., Barman, S.M., Boitano, S. & Brooks, H.L. | New York: McGraw Hill Education | Printed* | $83 |
DSC 640 | 9781264583621 | Clinical Neuroanatomy | 30th | 2024 | Waxman, S.G. | New York: McGraw Hill Education | Printed* | $83 |
DSC 645 | 9781119770886 | Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice | 3rd | 2022 | Fertman, C.I. & Grim, M.L. | Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) | Printed* | TBD |
DSC 650 | 9781284288735 | Essentials of Biostatistics for Public Health | 4th | 2022 | Sullivan, L. | Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning | Printed* | $89.95 |
DSC 655 | 9780443261633 | How to Design Studies and Write Research Proposals A Guide for Nursing, Allied Health and Social Care Students | 1st | 2024 | Parahoo, K. | St. Lous, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $37.99 |
DSC 700 | 9780443261633 | How to Design Studies and Write Research Proposals: A Guide for Nursing, Allied Health, and Social Care Students | 1st | 2024 | Parahoo, K. | St. Lous, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $37.99 |
DSC 700 | 9781071891285 | The Dissertation Journey: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Writing, and Defending your Dissertation | 4th | 2023 | Hyatt, L., & Roberts, C. | Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE | Printed* | TBD |
DSC 700 | 9781433832161 | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association | 7th | 2019 | American Psychological Association | American Psychological Association | Printed* | $31.99 |
DSC 701 | 9781544317205 | Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation | 4th | 2018 | Joyner, R.L., Rouse, W.A., & Glatthorn, A.A | Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE | Printed* | $45.95 |
DSC 701 | 9781118554678 | Nutrition Research Methodologies. | 1st | 2015 | Lovegrove, J.A., Hodson, L, Sharma, S., & Lanham-New, S. | Hoboken, N.J. Wiley Publishing. | Printed* | $81.95 |
DSC 701 | 9781433832161 | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association | 7th | 2019 | American Psychological Association | American Psychological Association | Printed* | $31.99 |
DSC 702 | 9781118554678 | Nutrition Research Methodologies. | 1st | 2015 | Lovegrove, J.A., Hodson, L, Sharma, S., & Lanham-New, S. | Hoboken, N.J. Wiley Publishing. | Printed* | $81.95 |
DSC 702 | 9781433832161 | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association | 7th | 2019 | American Psychological Association | American Psychological Association | Printed* | $31.99 |
DSC 702 | 9781544317205 | Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation | 4th | 2018 | Joyner, R.L., Rouse, W.A., & Glatthorn, A.A | Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE | Printed* | $45.95 |
ENG 101 | 9781554815678 | Digital Writing: A Guide to Writing for Social Media and the Web. | 1st | 2022 | Lawrence, D. | Peterborough, Ontario: Broadway View Press | Printed* | $27.25 |
ENG 101 | 9780691229966 | Writing on the Job: Best Practices for Communication in the Digital Age | 1st | 2022 | Coven, M. B. | Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press | Printed* | $14.95 |
ENG 201 | 9781554815678 | Digital Writing: A Guide to Writing for Social Media and the Web | 1st | 2022 | Lawrence, D. | Peterborough, Ontario: Broadway View Press | Printed* | $27.25 |
ENG 201 | 9780691229966 | Writing on the Job: Best Practices for Communication in the Digital Age | 1st | 2022 | Coven, M. B. | Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press | Printed* | $14.95 |
ENV 201 | 9780134646053 | The Environment and You | 3rd | 2018 | Christen, N., Leege, L. & Juliana, J. | New York, NY: Pearson | Printed* | $206.65 |
HED 303 | 9781284180725 | Essentials of Managing Stress | 5th | 2021 | Seward, B. L. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. | Printed* | $82.95 |
HED 503 | 9781284283150 | Managing Stress: Skills for Self-Care, Personal Resiliency and Work-Life Balance in a Rapidly Changing World | 11th | 2024 | Seaward, L. B. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. | Printed* | $139.95 |
HERB 101 | N/A | HERB 101: Foundations of Herbal Studies 1 | 24th | 2024 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $144) | $148 |
HERB 201 | 9780323721769 | Clinical Herbalism: Plant wisdom from East to West | 1st | 2021 | Lord, T. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $59.99 |
HERB 201 | N/A | HERB 201: Herbal studies | 21st | 2022 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $155) | $148 |
HERB 302 | N/A | HERB 302: Herbal materia medica I | 20th | 2023 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $148) | $123 |
HERB 302 | 9780323721769 | Clinical Herbalism: Plant wisdom from East to West | 1st | 2021 | Lord, T. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $59.99 |
HERB 303 | N/A | HERB 303: Herbal materia medica II | 20th | 2020 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $150) | $123 |
HERB 303 | 9780323721769 | Clinical Herbalism: Plant wisdom from East to West | 1st | 2021 | Lord, T. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $59.99 |
HERB 304 | N/A | HERB 304: Herbal materia medica III | 19th | 2020 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $139) | $148 |
HERB 304 | 9780729541725 | 4th | 2014 | Braun, L. & Cohen, M. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $75.99 | |
HERB 331 | 9781423641346 | Edible Wild Plants, Volume 2: Wild Foods from Foraging to Feasting (Wild Food Adventure) | 2nd | 2023 | Kallas, J. | Layton, UT: Gibbs Smith | Printed* | $27.99 |
HERB 331 | 9781643261430 | Botany for Gardener’s: An Introduction to the Science of Plants | 4th | 2022 | Capon, B. | New York, NY: Timber Press | Printed* | $21.99 |
HERB 331 | 9781604695632 | A Botanist’s Vocabulary 1300 Terms Explained and Illustrated | 1st | 2016 | Angell, B. & Pell, S. K. | New York, NY: Timber Press | Printed* | $28 |
HERB 502 | 9780729541725 | 4th | 2014 | Braun, L. & Cohen, M. | Elsevier | Printed* | $75.99 | |
HERB 502 | N/A | HERB 502: Materia Medica I | 1st | 2023 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $148) | $123 |
HERB 502 | 9780443069925 | Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine | 2nd | 2013 | Mills, S. & Bone, K. | London, UK: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier | Printed* | $133.95 |
HERB 502 | 9781394206902 | How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Healthcare | 7th | 2024 | Greenhalgh, T. | West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons | Printed* | TBD |
HERB 503 | 9781119484745 | How to Read a Paper | 6th | 2019 | Greenhalgh, T | West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons | Printed* | $57.95 |
HERB 503 | N/A | HERB 503: Advanced herbal materia medica II | 20th | 2020 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $134) | $123 |
HERB 503 | 9780367780166 | Principles and Practice of Botanicals as an Integrative Therapy | 1st | 2019 | Hume, A. & Orr, K, K. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby | Printed* | $61.99 |
HERB 503 | 9780443069925 | Principles and Practices of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine | 2nd | 2013 | Bone, K., & Mills, S. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone | Printed | $133.95 |
HERB 503 | 9780729541725 | Herbs and Natural Supplements, Volume 2 | 4th | 2014 | Braun, L. & Cohen, M. | St. Lous, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $75.99 |
HERB 504 | N/A | HERB 504: Advanced herbal materia medica III | 20th | 2020 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $128) | $123 |
HERB 504 | 9781119484745 | How to Read a Paper | 6th | 2019 | Greenhalgh, T | West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons | Printed* | $57.95 |
HERB 504 | 9780443069925 | Principles and Practices of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine | 2nd | 2013 | Bone, K., & Mills, S. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone | Printed | $133.95 |
HERB 504 | 9780367780166 | Principles and Practice of Botanicals as an Integrative Therapy | 1st | 2019 | Hume, A. & Orr, K, K. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby | Printed* | $61.99 |
HERB 504 | 9780729541725 | Herbs and Natural Supplements, Volume 2 | 4th | 2014 | Braun, L. & Cohen | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby | Printed* | TBD |
HERB 521 | 9780323834346 | Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy & Phytotherapy | 4th | 2023 | Heinrich, M. Barnes, Joanne, Prieto-Garcia, J. & Simon, G. | Oxford, UK: Elsevier | Printed* | $59.99 |
HERB 521 | 9781789243079 | 3rd | 2021 | Pengelly, A. | Boston MA: CABI | Printed | $36.40 | |
HERB 531 | 9781643261430 | Botany for Gardners | 4th | 2022 | Capon, B. | Portland, OR: Timbers Press | Printed | TBD |
HERB 531 | 9781604695632 | A Botanist’s Vocabulary: 1300 Terms Explained and Illustrated | 1st | 2016 | Pell, S. K. & Angell, B. | Portland, OR: Timbers Press | Printed* | TBD |
HERB 531 | 9781584200987 | The Language of Plants: A Guide to the Doctrine of Signatures | 1st | 2012 | Graves, J. & Wood, M. | New York, NY: Steiner Books | Printed* | TBD |
HERB 531 | 9780976626640 | Sam Thayer’s Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants: of Eastern and Central North America (The Sam Thayer’s Field Guides) | 1st | 2023 | Thayer, S. | Weyerhaeuser, WI: Foragers Harvest Press | Printed | TBD |
HERB 541 | 9781260452297 | Casarett & Doull’s Essentials of Toxicology | 4th | 2021 | Klaassen, D. C. & Watkins III, B. J. | New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education | Printed* | $108 |
HERB 541 | 9780443071713 | The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety | 1st | 2005 | Mills, J. S. & Bone, K. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone | Printed | $100 |
HLED 553 | 9781284208627 | Theoretical Foundations of Health Education and Health Promotion | 4th | 2022 | Sharma, M. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning | Printed* | $113.95 |
HLED 554 | 9780763771157 | Essentials of Public Health Communication | 1st | 2011 | Parvanta, C., Nelsen, D. E., Parvanta, S. A., & Harner, R. N. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning | Printed* | $184.95 |
HLTH 101 | 9781955499002 | 2nd | 2022 | Larsen, R. | Chemeketa Press | Printed* | $45 | |
HLTH 201 | 9781284102307 | Physical Activity & Health: An Interactive Approach | 5th | 2018 | Kotecki, E. J. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. | Printed* | $159.95 |
HLTH 202 | 9781284111774 | 1st | 2023 | Carney, J. K. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning | Printed* | $82.95 | |
HLTH 202 | 9781623170936 | The Untold History of Healing Plant Lore and Medicinal Magic from the Stone Age to Present | 1st | 2017 | Storl, W. D. | Penguin Random House. | Printed* | $24.95 |
HLTH 410 | 9781284202687 | McKenzie’s An Introduction to Community & Public Health | 10th | 2021 | McKenzie, J. F., Pinger, R. R., & Seabert, D. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning | Printed* | $142.95 |
HLTH 416 | 9781284142174 | Community and Public Health Education Methods. | 4th | 2019 | Bensley, R. J.,& Brookins-Fisher, J. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. | Printed* | $111.95 |
HOM 501 | N/A | HOM 501 homeopathy | 18th | 2018 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $123) | $123 |
HOM 501 | 9780895299505 | Homeopathic Remedies: A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and Their Homeopathic Treatments | 1st | 2000 | Hershoff, A. | New York, NY: Penguin | Printed | $18 |
IHS 500 | 9781284144123 | Consumer Health & Integrative Medicine: A Holistic View of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practices | 2nd | 2018 | Synovitz, L. & Larson, K. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning | Printed* | $131.95 |
IHS 101 | 9781284144123 | Consumer Health & Integrative Medicine: A Holistic View of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practice | 2nd | 2018 | Synovitz, B. L. & Larson, L. K. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning | Printed* | $131.95 |
NAT 101 | N/A | NAT 101: Nutrition, Bodycare, & Herbalism | 20th | 2022 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $161) | $173 |
NAT 202 | N/A | NAT 202: Energetic modalities I: Flower essences | 19th | 2023 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $128) | $123 |
NAT 202 | 9780892819416 | Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Therapy | 1st | 2001 | Scheffer, M. | Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press | Printed | $32.50 |
NAT 203 | N/A | NAT 203: Historical modalities I: Iridology | 18th | 2018 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $138) | $123 |
NAT 204 | N/A | NAT 204: Energetic Modalities II: Homeopathy | 1st | 2018 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $140) | $123 |
NAT 204 | 9780895299505 | Homeopathic Remedies: A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and Their Homeopathic Treatments | 1st | 2000 | Hershoff, A. | New York, NY: Penguin | Printed | $18 |
NAT 210 | N/A | Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology for Wellness Professionals | 1st | 2024 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $148) | $135 |
NAT 210 | 9781719647625 | Understanding Anatomy & Physiology: A Visual, Auditory, Interactive Approach | 4th | 2024 | Thomas, G. S. | F.A. Davis. | Printed* | $79.95 |
NAT 210 | 9781612125749 | Healing Herbal Teas | 1st | 2016 | Farr, S. | Pownal, VT: Storey Publishing | Printed | $17.99 |
NAT 211 | N/A | NAT 211: Anatomy & Physiology II | 19th | 2020 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $130) | $123 |
NAT 211 | 9781612125749 | Healing Herbal Teas | 1st | 2016 | Farr, S. | Pownal, VT: Storey Publishing | Printed | $17.99 |
NAT 211 | 9780803676459 | Understanding Anatomy & Physiology: A Visual, Auditory, Interactive Approach | 4th | 2024 | Thomas, G. S. | F.A. Davis. | Printed* | $79.95 |
NAT 212 | TBD | NAT 212: Anatomy & Physiology III | 19th | 2020 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $128) | $123 |
NAT 212 | 9781264421275 | Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease: Foundations for Health Professions | 3rd | 2022 | Roiger, D. & Bullock, N. | London, UK: McGraw Hill | Printed* | $185.95 |
NAT 302 | N/A | NAT 302: Holistic Pathophysiology | 20th | 2022 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $140) | $123 |
NAT 302 | 9781284288094 | 5th | 2024 | Story, L. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. | Printed* | $109.95 | |
NAT 302 | 9781451663006 | Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine | 3rd | 2012 | Murray, M.T. & J. Pizzorno | New York, NY: Atria Paperback | Printed* | $32.50 |
NAT 303 | N/A | NAT 303: Holistic pathology & protocols | 20th | 2023 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $140) | $123 |
NAT 303 | 9781451663006 | Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine | 3rd | 2012 | Murray, M. & Pizzorno, J. | New York, NY: Atria Books | Printed* | $32.50 |
NAT 303 | 9781284288094 | Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach | 5th | 2024 | Story, L. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. | Printed* | $109.95 |
NAT 305 | 9781462550371 | Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior | 2nd | 2022 | Rollnick, S. Miller, R. M. & Butler, C. C. | New York, NY: Guiliford | Printed* | $35 |
NAT 305 | 9781570253218 | 2nd | 2014 | Arloski, M. | Duluth, MN: Whole Person ADuluth, MN: Whole Person Associatesssociates | Printed* | $29.95 | |
NAT 306 | 9781882908059 | Business Mastery | 5th | 2016 | Sohnen-Moe, M .C. | Tucson, AZ: Sohnen-Moe Associates | Printed* | $52.99 |
NAT 307 | 9780323825238 | Mastering Healthcare Terminology | 7th | 2022 | Shiland, B. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $94.99 |
NAT 501 | 9781266135149 | Holes Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology | 15th | 2023 | Welsh, C. & Prentice-Carver, C. | New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education | Printed* | $195.95 |
NAT 502 | 9781266135149 | 15th | 2023 | Welsh, C. & Prentice-Carver, C. | New York, NY: McGraw Hill | Printed* | $195.95 | |
NAT 503 | 9780323792882 | 7th | 2022 | VanMeter, K.C. & Hubert, R.J. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $127.99 | |
NAT 503 | 9780323792936 | Study Guide for Gould’s Pathophysiology for the Health Professions | 7th | 2022 | VanMeter, K.C. & Hubert, R.J. | St. Louis: MO, Elsevier/Saunders | Printed* | $47.99 |
NAT 503 | 9780323523783 | Textbook of Natural Medicine – with Access Card | 5th | 2020 | Pizzorno, J. & Murray, M. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier | Ebook | $212.99 |
NAT 504 | 9780323792936 | Study Guide for Gould’s Pathophysiology for the Health Professions | 7th | 2022 | VanMeter, K.C. & Hubert, R.J. | St. Louis: MO, Elsevier/Saunders | Printed* | $47.99 |
NAT 504 | 9780323792882 | Gould’s Pathophysiology for the Health Professions | 7th | 2022 | VanMeter, K.C. & Hubert, R.J. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $127.99 |
NAT 504 | 9780323523783 | Textbook of Natural Medicine – with Access Card | 5th | 2020 | Pizzorno, J. & Murray, M. | St. Louis, MO: Elsevier | Ebook | $212.99 |
NAT 515 | 9781570253218 | 2nd | 2014 | Arloski, M. | Duluth, MN: Whole Person | Printed* | $29.95 | |
NAT 515 | 9781570253614 | 4th | 2023 | Miller, W. R. & Rollnick, S. | New York, NY: Guilford Press | Printed* | $65 | |
NUT 101 | 9780316338868 | 1st | 2018 | Hyman, M. | Boston, MA: Little Brown Spark | Printed* | $30 | |
NUT 101 | 9781264863709 | Wardlaw’s Contemporary Nutrition | 2024 Release | 2024 | Smith, A., Collene, A., & Spees, C. | New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education | Printed* | $229.95 |
NUT 210 | 9798986431260 | Our Journey with Food | 3rd | 2023 | Karr, T. J. | Bozeman, MT: Summerland Publishing | Printed* | $31.95 |
NUT 301 | 9781266636509 | Wardlaw’s Perspectives in Nutrition | 13th | 2024 | Byrd-Bredbenner,C., Berning, J., Kelley, D., Moe, G., & Beshgetoor, D. | New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education | Printed* | $205.95 |
NUT 302 | 9781266636509 | Wardlaw’s Perspectives in Nutrition | 13th | 2024 | Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Berning, J., Kelley, D., Moe, G., Beshgetoor, D. | New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education | Printed* | $205.95 |
NUT 303 | 9781284207323 | Nutrition Across Life Stages | 2nd | 2022 | Bernstein, M., & McMahon, K. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. | Printed* | $202.95 |
NUT 308 | 9780316453189 | Young Forever: The Secrets for Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life | 1st | 2023 | Hyman, M. | Hatchett Book Group | Printed* | $30 |
NUT 304 | 9781264668847 | Williams’ Nutrition for Health and Fitness | 13th | 2023 | Williams, H. M. Rawson, E. & Branch, D. | New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education | Printed* | $195.95 |
NUT 308 | N/A | NUT 308: Holistic Nutrition | 21st | 2022 | Petersen, D. | Portland, OR: American College of Healthcare Sciences | Ebook (Optional Print Copy Available for $154) | $148 |
NUT 309 | 9781594771545 | Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health | 2nd | 2006 | Vasey, C. | Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press | Printed | $12.95 |
NUT 309 | 9780312347741 | Eating Between the Lines | 1st | 2007 | Stewart, L. K. | New York, NY: St. Martin’s Griffin | Printed* | $24 |
NUT 309 | 9780143114963 | In Defense of Food | 1st | 2008 | Pollan, M. | New York, NY: Penguin | Printed* | $18 |
NUT 309 | 9781607743255 | The Detox Diet: The Definitive Guide for Lifelong Vitality with Recipes, Menus, and Detox Plans | 3rd | 2012 | Haas, M. E. | New York, NY: Penguin | Printed* | $21 |
NUT 311 | 9781265095734 | Nutrition Essentials: A Personal Approach | 3rd | 2020 | Schiff, W. | New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education | Printed* | $194.95 |
NUT 312 | 9781284219456 | Stanfield’s Introduction to Health Professions | 8th | 2023 | Cross, N. & McWay, D. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. | Printed* | $99.95 |
NUT 401 | 9781284210958 | Nutrition | 7th | 2022 | Insel, P., Ross, D., McMahon, K. & Bernstein, M. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. | Printed* | $199.95 |
NUT 415 | 9781284168921 | Nutrition Education: Linking Research, Theory, and Practice | 4th | 2020 | Contento, I. R., & Koch, P. A. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. | Printed* | $170.95 |
NUT 499 | 9780128039687 | Vegetarian and Plant-Based Diets in Health and Disease Prevention | 1st | 2017 | Mariotti, F. | London, UK: Elsevier | Printed* | $190 |
NUT 501 | 9781265456832 | Human Nutrition: Science for Healthy Living: 2024 Release | 1st | 2024 | Sanctuary, M., Passerrello, C., Stephenson, T., & Schiff, W. | New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education | Printed* | $205.95 |
NUT 501 | 9781032242729 | Integrating Nutrition into Practice | 1st | 2021 | Marian, M. J. & Mullin, G. | Boca Raton, FL., CRC Press | Printed* | $59.95 |
NUT 502 | 9781284235135 | Advanced Human Nutrition | 5th | 2022 | Medeiros, D. and Wildman, R. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning | Printed* | $199.95 |
NUT 503 | 9781284235135 | 5th | 2022 | Medeiros, D. and Wildman, R. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning | Printed* | $199.95 | |
NUT 504 | 9781264668847 | Williams’ Nutrition for Health, Fitness, & Sport | 13th | 2023 | Williams, H. M. Rawson, E. & Branch, D. | New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education | Printed* | $195.95 |
NUT 509 | 9781594771545 | Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health | 2nd | 2006 | Vasey, C. | Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press | Printed* | $12.95 |
NUT 509 | 9781439171967 | American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee’s, Farm Fields and the Dinner Table | 1st | 2012 | McMillan, T. | New York, NY: Scribner | Printed* | $19 |
NUT 509 | 9780312347741 | Eating Between the Lines | 1st | 2007 | Stewart, L. K. | New York, NY: St. Martin’s Griffin | Printed* | $24 |
NUT 509 | 9780143114963 | In Defense of Food | 1st | 2008 | Pollan, M. | New York, NY: Penguin | Printed* | $18 |
NUT 509 | 9781607743255 | The Detox Diet: The Definitive Guide for Lifelong Vitality with Recipes, Menus, and Detox Plans | 3rd | 2012 | Haas, M. E. | New York, NY: Penguin | Printed* | $18 |
NUT 510 | 9780134898674 | Science of Nutrition | 5th | 2020 | Thompson, J. | New York, NY: Pearson | Printed* | TBD |
PFT 101 | 9781284200881 | NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training | 7th | 2021 | Sutton, B. | Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. | Printed* | $199.95 |
PHL 101 | 9781433832734 | 7th | 2020 | American Psychological Association | American Psychological Association | Printed* | $31.99 | |
PHL 101 | N/A | 2nd | 2022 | Gruwell, C., Pass, F., & Ewing, F.R. | Saint Paul, MN: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities | EBook | N/A | |
PHL 202 | 9780323827508 | Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professions | 5th | 2023 | Elsevier | St. Lous, MO: Elsevier | Printed* | $88.99 |
PSY 101 | 9780367550158 | 5th | 2022 | Eysenck, M. W. | Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group | Printed* | $59 | |
PSY 303 | 9781260834284 | Health Psychology | 11th | 2020 | Taylor, S., & Stanton, A. L. | New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education | Printed* | $192.95 |
RES 301 | 9781433832734 | Concise Guide to APA Style | 7th | 2020 | American Psychological Assocation | American Psychological Association | Printed* | $31.99 |
RES 301 | 9781544396439 | Evaluating Research: Methodology for People Who Need to Read Research | 3rd | 2022 | Dane, F. C. & Carhard, E. | Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing | Printed* | $85 |
RES 501 | 9781433832734 | Concise Guide to APA Style | 7th | 2020 | American Psychological Association | American Psychological Association | Printed* | $31.99 |
RES 501 | 9781544361482 | 1st | 2023 | Nichols, S., Schutz, P. A., & Bahena, S. | SAGE Publishing: Thousand Oaks, CA | Printed* | $85 | |
SOC 101 | 9781264447299 | Sociology: A Brief Introduction | 15th | 2024 | Schaefer, R. T. | New York, NY: McGraw Hill | Printed* | $205.95 |
* There is also an e-book available for this textbook.
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Last updated 3/11/25